
A good coat of paint will need to be redone in about 2 years,whereas wallpaper,although initially more expensive, can easily last between 10 and 15 years.This makes it easy to look at wallpaper installation more like long term investment.


And as another added benefit, there are contractors in the Klang Valley area which will offer consultation.ZEN HOME DECOR can offer a whole new aspect to decorating as well as offering many design options from which a homeowner can choose. They have many options available to add the right touch to nay room in the house.


  • Vinyl wallpaper is made paper that is treated with vinyl, a chemical made from ethylene, which is derived from natural gas.


  • because its ethylene coating makes it resistant to moisture, vinyl wallpaper is a popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms.


  • Vinyl wallpaper is available in a variety of colors and patterns, including horizontal, vertical and irregular drop designs.Vinyl wallpaper is available in self-stick that requires peeling off the backing and pressing the paper against the wall,pre-pasted that simply require wetting with water and on-pasted, which needs a separate paste to adhere to your walls.


  • When compared with other types of wallpaper,vinyl is easy to clean and easier to remove or strip.


  • Textured wallpapers like fabric or foil are better than vinyl at hiding imperfections in your walls like cracks or patches.


1. 色彩多样,图案丰富:通过印刷、压花模具不同图案的设计,多版印刷色彩的套印,各种压花纹路的配合,使得墙纸图案多彩多姿,既有适合办公场所稳重大方的素色纸,也有适合年轻人欢快奔放的对比强烈的几何图形;既有不出家门,即可见山水丝竹的花纸,也有迎合儿童口味,带您进入奇妙童话世界的卡通纸。只要设计得体,墙纸可为您创造随心所欲的家居气氛。


2. 价格适宜:以前,当您步入高档的星级宾馆,可能会被它的豪华气派所折服,希望自己的家庭也能同样高贵典雅,但却因为高昂的装修价格望而却步。如今,市场上流行的胶面墙纸,售价加施工费,总价位多在10~20元/平方尺。一间二十平方尺的房间,只需花费几百元钱即可旧貌换新颜。此种价位结构,特别适合工薪阶层的需求。家居空间,宾馆享受,不断求新存异、创造流行的国产墙纸制造行业,使您的梦想一是成真。


3. 方式周期短:(A)选用油漆或涂料装修,墙面至少需反复施工三至五次,每次间隔一天,即需一周的时间。加之油漆与涂料中含有大量的有机溶剂,吸入体内可能会对人体健康产生影响,所以入住之前需保持室内通风10天以上的时间。这样一来,从装修到完工,至少需要半个月。(B)而选用壁纸装修,一套三室一厅的住房,由专业的壁纸施工人员张贴壁纸,只需三个人即可完成,丝毫不影响您的正常生活。前不久,家住上海静安新城的刘先生,因为近期需出国旅行,临时决定3月18日结婚。当时最让刘先生着急的是新房室内尚未装修,而距离婚期却只有10天时间了。为此设计师向他推荐使用墙纸,结果只用两天时间就完成了墙纸张贴,从而也使刘先生的婚礼得以顺利举行。举此实例说明重用墙纸装修房间,委托墙纸销售单位进行设计、销售、施工一条龙服务,将会使繁琐的装修步骤变得非常简单轻松。


4. 耐脏、耐擦洗:如果您家的宝宝喜欢创作,经常在墙上公布最新作品;如果夏天因为拍打蚊虫不小心弄脏了墙面,无需为墙纸的清洁而烦恼,只要用海绵蘸清水或清洁剂擦试,即可除去污渍。胶面墙纸的耐脏、耐擦洗的特性保证您即便反复擦试也不会影响家庭墙面的美观大方。


5. 此外,胶面壁纸还能满足您防火、防霉、抗菌的特殊需求:随着中国加入WTO步伐的加快,欧美等发达国家的家居时尚必将影响中国百姓的消费观念,加之墙纸对比其它室内装饰材料具有许多显著的优点,因此它在国内的普及程度必将会有一个几何级数的增长。面对眼花缭乱的装饰材料市场,只有信赖墙纸、选择墙纸,才能使您家居时尚领先时代。